
Showing posts from April, 2023

Earn While You Learn: The Best Way to Start Your Own Business with VKids Trend

As a young entrepreneur or ambitious professional, starting your own business can be a daunting task. You may not have the experience or financial resources needed to get your business off the ground. This is where VKids Trend comes in, providing a unique opportunity for you to earn while you learn, and start your own business at the same time. Get Hands-On Experience VKids Trend offers a unique opportunity for young entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals to gain hands-on experience in running their own business. As a network marketer, you'll be responsible for building and managing your own customer base, marketing VKids Trend's products, and training your own team of distributors. This experience is invaluable and will give you the skills and confidence needed to start your own business in the future. Low Start-Up Costs Starting a business can be expensive, but with VKids Trend, the start-up costs are low. There's no need to invest in inventory, as VKids T

This is How to Generate More Sales Leads

If you're looking for a way to grow your business and increase your revenue, you need to generate more sales leads. Sales leads are potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services and have provided their contact information. They are the lifeblood of any sales process, and without them, you won't have anyone to sell to. But how do you generate more sales leads?  One of the most effective ways is to use lead generation forms on your website, landing pages, social media, email campaigns, and other marketing channels. Lead generation forms are online forms that ask visitors to fill out some basic information, such as their name, email address, phone number, company name, etc. in exchange for something of value, such as a free ebook, a webinar, a consultation, a coupon, or a trial. Lead generation forms are powerful tools for capturing leads because they: - Offer value: By offering something that your visitors want or need, you can entice them to share thei

As A Working Parent, Here's How to Find Your Passion and Turn It into a Career

Are you feeling stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfil you? Do you want to make a change and pursue a career that aligns with your passion? If so, you are not alone. Many working parents in their 30-40s are looking for ways to earn more money and enjoy what they do. But how do you find your passion and turn it into a career? It may seem like a daunting task, but it is possible with some planning, research and action. Here are some steps you can take to discover your passion and make it your profession: 1. Reflect on your hobbies The first step to finding your passion is to think about what you love to do in your spare time. What are the activities that make you happy, excited and energized? What are the topics that you can talk about for hours? These hobbies may give you clues about your passion and potential career paths. For example, if you enjoy taking pictures, you may have a passion for photography. If you like sports, you may have a passion for fitness or coaching. If you like writin

How to overcome fear & achieve your goals in life, sales and in your mlm business

Fear is a common emotion that many of us experience, especially when we are doing new things that we have never done before.  There is a science behind this and in this video, we will see why we experience fear and how we can overcome this and achieve success in anything we do.  Youtube link: Fear feeds on time, the longer you take, the stronger it gets. Krystle and Sean proves that it doesn't matter where you come from, but if you want to change your future, you can do it by making decisions and taking new actions that will take you down a new path. And this is why so many of their team members are successful being led by them.  If you'd like to learn more you may  click here  to find out more and  apply to be a part of the team .  Learn more  (Free 5-days elearning)  (Join the team)  (Team testimonials) https://www.krystleseanpar

全马最有影响力的困队 - 由 Krystle & Sean 领导

   在在线教育(或电子学习)方面, 全马最有影响力的团队 莫过于 Krystle 和 Sean 领导的团队。 关于团队 Krystle 和 Sean 的在线教育企业家团队由来自不同年龄段的人组成,从应届毕业生(18-20 岁以上)不等。 在职员工 (20-55) 甚至退休人员 (55-60+)。 他们来自马来西亚和其他国家的不同地区,拥有不同的经历和背景,包括教育工作者、教师、会计师、行政人员、医生、律师。 美容师等等。 赋予妇女权力 尽管 Krystle 和 Sean 在 VKids Trend 中的团队 由男女组成,但团队的大多数成员都是女性。 职业妈妈、单身妈妈、单身女性和离婚者。 通过 VKids Trend 的在线教育业务平台以及 Krystle 和 Sean 的指导和经过验证的系统,来自马来西亚各地的女性能够快速轻松地开展在线教育副业,同时在家中与孩子和家人共度时光。 关于 Krystle 和 Sean Krystle 和 Sean 是 VKids Trend 的最高领导者 ,领导着来自马来西亚各地的教育信徒团队。 他们力量的源泉来自于他们卑微的出身。 Sean Looi 在吉隆坡以土木工程师开始他的职业生涯,但他的薪水不足以支付开支,因此他不得不求助于不同的业务,如房地产、保险、数字营销、联盟营销、直销、grabcar 驾驶和 终于在 VKids Trend 的电子学习中找到了自己的位置。 Krystle Wong 是一位有两个孩子的单亲妈妈,她只在纳闽岛做过一份工作,每月只给她 500 令吉的工资,她决定再也不做全职工作了。 因此,她探索了不同的业务,例如健康行业的网络营销。 自从她遇到肖恩以来,她一直是他探索成为房地产谈判代表和人寿保险代理人的旅程中不可或缺的一部分。 领导Top 1团队 作为夫妻,Krystle 和 Sean 共同领导着 马来西亚最具影响力的在线教育企业家团队 VKids Trend,并创建了一个复制和粘贴系统,让他们的团队可以随时随地学习,并通过自动驾驶系统将他们的在线业务推向新的高度。 你无法改变过去,但你可以创造未来 Krystle 和 Sean 证明,你来自哪里并不重要,但如果你想改变你的未来,你可以通过做出决定和采取新的行动来实现,这将带你走上一条新的道路。 这就是为什么他们的许多团队成员在他们的领导下取得了成功。

Meet the Most Influential Team in Malaysia for Online Education - led by Krystle and Sean

  The most influential team in Malaysia when it comes to online education (or elearning) is none other than the team led by Krystle and Sean.  About the team Krystle and Sean's team of online education entrepreneurs consist of people from varying age groups ranging from fresh graduates (age 18-20+). working employees (20-55) and even retirees (55-60+). They come from different parts of Malaysia and other countries and have different experiences and backgrounds ranging from educators, teachers, accountants, admins, doctors, lawyers. beauticians and more.  Women empowerment Although Krystle and Sean's team in VKids Trend consists of both genders, the majority of the team consists of women ie. working mums, single mums, single women and divorcees. Through VKids Trend's online education business platform and through Krystle and Sean's guidance and proven systems, women from all over Malaysia are able to start their online education side business quickly and easily, while